Friday, 13 November 2009

Sikh Channel

The Sikh Channel on Sky 840 has been for some time attempting to achieve a target of 10,000 direct debits of £1 per week. Considering there are around three quarters of a million Sikhs in the UK this should not be a difficult task. However are there 750,000 Sikhs in the UK?

The Sikh extremist interpretation of the definition of a Sikh is the one that keeps the kesh/hair. Others are not Sikhs. This interpretation, also promoted by the SGPC, has been legally accepted in India. The programme contents of the Sikh Channel also seem to promote this view. Preachers who come on the show back this interpretation.

Is it surprising that the monay (those withe shorn hair) feel alienated and not a part of Sikhism? Is it therefore surprising that the Sikh Channel is finding it difficult to reach their target figure? Considering that the majority of the population who consider themselves as Sikh are monay, the extremist interpretation of Sikhism will only cause difficulty for the Sikh Channel.

The Guru Granth Sahib Jee does not state that hair is fundamental and the Sikh Channel should be brave enough to promote this viewpoint rather than interpretations derived from other texts.

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